
ABRSM 英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會 Piano Exam Grade 8

此網頁內容僅供參考, 正式內容請見原文考試內容摘要(syllabus)
音階與琶音: 要背譜
音階 (similar motion)(Scale)
C, D, B, 升F, F, 降E, 降A/升G, 降D/升C 大調 和 小調
圓滑奏或斷奏由考官決定, 雙手 和 分手
(包含旋律小調 和 和聲小調)
keys as above
(大調 & 和聲小調)

圓滑奏或斷奏由考官決定, 雙手
keys as above
(大調 & 和聲小調)

圓滑奏或斷奏由考官決定, 雙手
C 和 降B大調
圓滑奏或斷奏由考官決定, 雙手
小調半音階(chromatic Scale)
從 升A/升C 開始
圓滑奏, 分手
從 E 開始
圓滑奏, 雙手 和 分手
keys as for scales (similar motion) above

圓滑奏, 雙手 和 分手, in root position and first inversion
C, D, B, F, F, 降E, 降A, 降D
圓滑奏, 雙手 和 分手
圓滑奏, 雙手 和 分手

  1. Soler Sonata in B: No. 11 from 27 Sonatas
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 8 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  2. J. S. Bach Prelude and Fugue in A, BWV 888: No. 19 from Das wohltemperirte Clavier, Part 2
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 8 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  3. Schumann Fughetta: No. 4 from Sieben Clavierstucke in Fughettenform, Op. 126
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 8 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  4. J. S. Bach Praeambulum: 1st movt from Partia No. 5 in G, BWV 829. 
    建議樂譜出處:J. S. Bach Partias Nos 4-6 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  5. Faure Fugue in E minor: No. 6 
    建議樂譜出處:from Pieces breves, Op. 84 (建議出版商:Peters EP 7601)
  6. Handel Fugue in F, HWV 611.
    建議樂譜出處:No. 7 from Handel 6 Fugues HWV 605-610 and Fugues HWV 611, 612 (建議出版商:Henle 749)
  7. D. Scarlatti Sonata in D, Kp. 492 (L. 14). 
    建議樂譜出處:Scarlartti 2 Sonatas for Keyboard, K. 11 (L. 352and K. 492 (L. 14) (Barenreiter BA 6591) or No. 175 from Scarlatti 200 Sonatas, Vol. 4 (建議出版商:Editio Musica Budapest Z. 8666)
  8. Shostakovich Prelude and Fugue in D, Op. 87 No. 5
    建議樂譜出處:Shostakovich 24 Preludes and Fugues, Op. 87, Vol. 1 (建議出版商:Sikorski-Boosey & Hawkes or Peters EP 4716a)

  1. Haydn Allegro: 1st movt from Sonata in Bb, Hob. XVI/41
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 8 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  2. Beethoven Allegro molto e con brio: 1st movt from Sonata in C minor, Op. 10 No. 1
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 8 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  3. Weber Minuet and Trio: 3rd movt from Sonata No. 1 in C, Op. 24
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 8 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  4. Beethoven Allegro: 1st movt from Sonata in F, Op. 10 No. 2.
    建議樂譜出處:Sonata published individually or Beethoven The 35 Piano Sonatas, Vol. 1 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  5. Clementi Allegro con spirito: 3rd movt from Sonata in G, Op. 37 No. 2.
    建議樂譜出處:Sonata published individually (Henle 1130) or No. 14 from Clementi Selected Piano Sonatas, Vol. 2 (建議出版商:Henle 330)
  6. Mozart Rondo in D, K. 485. 
    建議樂譜出處:Rondo published individually or Mozart Mature Piano Pieces (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  7. Mozart Allegro: 1st movt from Sonata in F, K. 533.
    建議樂譜出處:Sonata published individually or Mozart Sonatas for Pianoforte, Vol. 2 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  8. G. F. Pinto Allegro moderato con espressione: 1st movt from Sonata in Eb minor (Op.)
    建議樂譜出處:Rondo published individually or Mozart Mature Piano Pieces (建議出版商:ABRSM)

  1. Barhms Intermezzo in Eb: No. 1 from Three Intermezzos, Op. 117
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 8 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  2. Debussy Prelude: 1st movt from Suite bergamasque
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 8 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  3. E. Halffter Habanera
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 8 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  4. Arvo Part Allegro: 1st movt from Sonatina, Op. 1 No. 1
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 8 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  5. O. Peterson Hallelujah Time
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 8 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  6. Skryabin Poeme: No. 2 from Deux poemes, Op. 69
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 8 (建議出版商:ABRSM)

  7. L. Aubert Romance, Op. 2
  8. L. Boulanger D'un vieux jardin: No. 1 
    建議樂譜出處:from Trois morceaux pour piano (建議出版商:G. Schirmer GS33485 or Zen-On ZO 101835)
  9. Chopin Waltz in F, Op. 34 No. 3.
    建議樂譜出處:No. 4 from Chopin Waltzes (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  10. Dvorak Na starem hrade (In the Old Castle): No. 3 
    建議樂譜出處:from Poeticke nalady (Poetic Tone-Pictures/Poetische Stimmungs-bilder), Op. 85 (建議出版商:Barenreiter Praha H 338 or Henle 492)
  11. Ireland The Darkened Valley.
    建議樂譜出處:Ireland Collected Piano Works, Vol. 2 (建議出版商:Stainer & Bell B394)
  12. Lyadov Prelude in Db, Op. 10 No. 1.
    建議樂譜出處:No. 18 from Lyadov Preludes, Triftes and Other Pieces (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  13. Mendelssohn Presto agitato: No. 2 from 
    建議樂譜出處: from Two Musical Sketches (建議出版商:Peters EP 7439)
  14. Poulenc Alerte: No. 3 
    建議樂譜出處:from Mouvements perpetuels (建議出版商:Chester CH02050)
  15. Rachmaninov Polichinelle: No. 4 from Morceaux de fantaisie, Op. 3.
    建議樂譜出處:Rachmaninov Piano Compositions, Vol. 3 (建議出版商:Boosey & Hawkes)
  16. Tansman Etude-Scherzo
視奏(Sight-reading): a piece of around a page in length, time and key signatures as Grade 7, with the addition of  and B and Db majors. Three-part chords in either hand, spread chords and simple ornaments may be encountered. 

