
ABRSM 英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會 Piano Exam Grade 1

此網頁內容僅供參考, 正式內容請見原文考試內容摘要(syllabus)
音階與分解和絃: 要背譜
C, G, D, F大調; A, D小調
(L. H. may, at cadidate's choice, be played descending and ascending)
(旋律 或 和聲 小調由考生自選)
從主音開始 (同音)
分解和絃(Broken Chord)
C, G, F大調;A, D小調
分手, 如下圖:

  1. Mozart Minuet in G, K. le
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 1 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  2. Rowley Fugue: No. 4 from Five Minature Preludes and Fugues
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 1 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  3. Turk Das Ballett: No. 4 from 60 Pieces for Aspring Players, Book 1
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 1 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  4. Neefe Minuetto in G. 
    建議樂譜出處:No. 9 Clavierstucke fur Anfanger (Piano Pieces for Beginners(建議出版商:Schott ED 2572)
  5. Purcell Prelude, Z. 660/1.
    建議樂譜出處:No. 9 from English Keyboard Music 1663-1702 or No. 2 from A Keyboard Anthology, 1st Series, Book 1 or No. 14 from Baroque Keyboard Pieces, Book 1 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  6. Wagenseil Courtly Dance.
    建議樂譜出處:P.16 from The Joy of First Classics, Book 2 (建議出版商:Yorke Music Press YK20568)
  1. Gedike Moderato: No. 2 from 20 Little Pieces for Beginners, Op. 6
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 1 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  2. Swinstead Sailor's Song: No. 11 from Work and Play 
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 1 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  3. Rybicki Na lodce (In a Boat): from Zaczynan grac (I Begin to Play), Op. 20
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 1 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  4. Borodin Polovtsian Dance: from Prince Igor.
    建議樂譜出處:Simply Classics, Grades 0-1, arr. Gritton (建議出版商:Faber)
  5. Gurlitt Die Klappermuhle: No. 33
    建議樂譜出處:from The First Lessons, Op. 117 (建議出版商:Alfred—Kalmus K03498) 
  6. F. Wohlfahrt Allegretto.
    建議樂譜出處:More Romantic Pieces for Piano, Book 1 (建議出版商:ABRSM)

  1. Richard Rodney Bennett Thursday: from Seven Days a Week
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 1 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  2. Shostakovich March: No. 1 from Children's Notebook, Op. 69
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 1 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  3. Harry Warren and Mack Gordon Chattanooga Choo Choo (middle eight), arr. Marshall
    建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2013-2014, Grage 1 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  4. Elisa Davidsson The Merry Bagpipe
    建議樂譜出處:from The Gift of Music (建議出版商:Spartan Press SP803)
  5. Heather Hammond Cowboy Lullaby: 
    建議樂譜出處:from Even Cooler Piano, Book 2 (建議出版商:Kevin Mayhew) 

  6. Fishel Pustilnik Jay-Walker
    建議樂譜出處: (建議出版商:piece published individually: F & N Enterprise)
視奏(Sight-reading): a four-bar piece in  or , or a six-bar piece in , in C, G or F majors, A or D minors, with each hand playing separately and in a five-finger position. Simple dynamic, note values, articulations and occasional accidentals (within minor keys only) may be encountered. 

